Artificer of Ink

I love making beautiful, minimalist, digital art.

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Pure shapes, infinite possibilities.
An interplay of form, angles, curves and abstraction. Perfect for adding a touch of modern sophistication to any space.

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Abstract Shapes

Swirlian Swirls
Dynamic circular swirls after swirls.

Leafy Loams
Organic leafy beauty.

Hollow Mouth, Circled Horns
Are those eyes, teeth, or horns on teeth?

Wavy Lines on A Black Circle
Intersecting wavy lines against a background of deep black.

Lines and White on A Black Circle
Intersecting lines, with touches of white circles, against a background of deep black.

French Curving Vasor
Euler spirals rooted in sensual French curves.

Criss-Crossed Lines on A Black Circle
Intersecting crossed lines against a background of deep black.

Petalled-Star Flower
Radiant petals in a stretched star.

Globular Lines
Lines between the globe, all around.

Bundle Contains 11 items

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  1. This bundle contains a collection of art items, and provided for as a digital download. The licenses of the individual art items apply to each.

  2. You may use the art items in this bundle for both personal and commercial projects, with attribution to The Artificer of Ink.